
Checkout Step 1

If you do not have a Gaia College username and password, go to the "New Students Start Here" section down below. Otherwise login here:

Account Information
New Students Start Here
Shipping details
Same as Billing
Edit current shipping address
Name SKU Price Quantity GST/HST Discount Total

Selected shipment

No shipment selected
Checkout Step 2

You must enter your your Billing/Shipping details first in order to be presented available shipping options for your country

There is no shipment method that matches the characteristics of your order. Perhaps you need to enter your address up above first?

Notes and special requests
Terms of Service

Terms of service

By completing this registration I agree that:

  • I shall not share my access or access information to the Gaia College online resources with anyone.
  • I shall not reproduce or copy the resources provided at the Gaia College website or in the classroom in any form or by any process without written permission from Gaia College.
  • I shall not use the Gaia College online resources for any purpose other than personal education, or teaching Gaia College courses under contract or license with Gaia College.
  • Gaia College and the authors and creators of the resources provided at the Gaia College website shall not be liable in connection with the use or misuse of the information provided in those resources.
  • I agree to receive e-mails from Gaia College.
  • I agree to the policies outlined here:
  • I have read the course outline (available on the course overview page) and understand the requirements for successfully completing the course.